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Cherry Acre Farms

Raw Milk Herdshare 

What is it?

A herd share, is where the consumer buys an ownership interest in a dairy animal or herd. The consumer contracts with the farmer for his or her expertise to provide feed, shelter and care to keep the animal(s) in good health. The farmer also provides the labor to milk the animal(s) and store the consumer’s milk.


Such contracts are legal in nearly every state in the U.S. “Agistment” is the legal term for boarding your livestock on another’s premises.

Because the milk is the consumers’ property through their ownership interest in the herd, the consumers do not buy milk from the farmer. Rather, they pay the farmer for the service of boarding and milking the animal(s) and for the labor to process the milk.  To  learn more about the WV Regulations regarding raw milk click here.


Here at  Cherry Acre Farms we believe everyone should have access to raw milk, once you taste our milk you will never want to have store bought milk again. Our Jersey dairy cows Madeline and Maple will provide you with the tastiest milk for you and your family. Besides all the health benefits that come with drinking raw milk, there are endless possibilities of what you can do with your raw milk: from half n half for your morning coffee,  to butter, ice-cream, mozzarella cheese, whipped cream and more there is more to milk than just drinking it. 


To inquire about our herd-share program fill out the form below and we will reach out to you! 



Inquire about our Heard Shares

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