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Immerse yourself in the exceptional quality of our pasture-raised pork, where pigs thrive outdoors in expansive pastures and wooded havens. Their diverse diet includes plants, insects, nuts, silage, and grains, fostering a rich and robust flavor profile. These pigs revel in sunshine, freely foraging, running, jumping, and rooting in the nourishing soil—a testament to our commitment to ethical and natural farming practices.


Enter the world of ground pork—a versatile, lean, and tender meat crafted from various parts of the pig. This finely minced or ground delicacy opens the door to a myriad of culinary possibilities, making it an excellent choice for an array of dishes spanning diverse cuisines.

Choosing ground pork offers a delightful alternative to ground beef, perfect for those seeking variety in their meals. Whether you're prioritizing health or simply craving a change from the routine, ground pork introduces a flavorful twist to your culinary repertoire. Elevate your dining experience with the rich taste and culinary versatility of our premium pasture-raised ground pork.

Ground Pork

  • Average 1lb packages

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